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Teacher Alert Calling Service

Sending emergency alert phone calls to teachers and staff at our schools can now be performed automatically using technology developed by Database Systems Corp. (DSC).

DSC provides phone services and systems that can automatically broadcast school phone messages using our secure call center. Calls can be automatically delivered to faculty members and the community at large quickly and at an affordable price. Teacher call messages can be simply a notifications of a school event or a last minute meeting or change of location. Teachers could also be called immediately in the event of an emergency.

School alerts can be delivered to teachers using a broad range of communication techniques. This emergency alert can be delivered to a small group of individuals such as the faculty or a specific campus building. Likewise an emergency notification can be sent to all teachers and students on a campus and to the local community.

Absentee students can now be reported immediately to parents or guardians using this service and teachers can be notified of missing children from school. This program can be a vital service not only to report absentees to parents, but to quickly notify parents of a missing child.

Contact DSC or visit our School Calls website to learn more about our teacher alerts and calling services.

Register Online For Our Teacher Alert Calling Service

DSC provides an online signup for schools and other non-profit organizations. Setup fees are waived and the basic monthly fees are reduced if you use this convenient method to register your school.

To register online, click on the online registration image to the right.

Using our school notification service is easy and secure. Just create one or more lists of call recipients offline and upload these list to your online account at DSC's website. Phone messages can be easily recorded using our 800 number service that lets you save numerous messages.

Once you've signed up for our service, here's all you need to do.

  • Create and save one or more list(s) of call recipients.
  • Record your phone message (either offline or using our 800 number).
  • Push "Start" broadcast button.

University of Southern Indiana

teacher alert client

"The University of Southern Indiana is committed to being first and foremost an institution known for the quality of its instruction. Innovation will be required to provide the services and resources needed for a growing student population. Growth in enrollment will demand a greater range of services in housing, student life, and academic support.” -

The University of Southern Indiana acquired an emergency alert phone system from Database Systems Corp. to contact teachers, students and faculty during an emergency situation. This faculty and teacher alert system can also be used to make special announcements during non-emergency events.

Teacher Alert Calling Services

The following are some of the applications and features of our teacher alert calling services:

Call Us Today

Contact DSC to learn more about our teacher alert calling services.